Last year, Allu Arjun’s Telugu film Pushpa: The Rise directed by Sukumar was released. Not only in Telugu but also in other South Indian languages as well as in Bollywood and the film received a huge response. The film’s success was due to the dances of Rashmika Mandanna, who played the female lead, Samantha, who sang for only one song and the performance of Fahad Faasil, who played the villainous police officer.
At this stage, the shooting for the second part of this film is about to start. Fahad Faasil, who featured in the first part, continues in this film as well
. At the same time, it is being said that Vijay Sethupathi is playing another important role in this film. In this situation, information has been released from Vijay Sethupathi’s team that Vijay Sethupathi is not acting in the film. And they have also said that he is currently acting as a villain in Shah Rukh Khan’s “Jawaan” directed by Atlee.