Malayalam actress Aparna Balamurali made her debut in Tamil with the film 8 Thottakkal. Aparna Balamurali, who made her debut in Malayalam with her first film Maheshinte Prathikaaram, attracted fans. She came into the limelight by acting opposite Suriya in the Tamil film Soorarai Pottru released two years ago. She was recently announced for the National Award for Best Actress for her performance in Soorarai Pottru film.
Following this, the films in which she is acting have also received great attention. The film “Ini Utharam” in which she is currently acting, is slated to release in September 2022. This film is directed by Sudheesh Ramachandran. Recently the makers released a new poster from the film.
Sudheesh Ramachandran has worked as an assistant director on director Jeethu Joseph’s Ram, Twelfth Man and Thambi starring Karthi in Tamil. Actors Kalabhavan Shajohn and Chandhunath will be playing police characters in the movie Ini Utharam. Harish Uthman is playing the lead role in this film.