On March 3, the movie “Balagam,” starring Priyadarshi and Kavya Kalyanram (of “Masooda” fame), will be released. Vijay Deverakonda today presented the film’s trailer digitally ahead of its theatrical release. He characterised it as a movie that is anchored in our local culture, their communities, their relationships, and their issues.
The trailer opens with an elderly man emerging as the community’s friendliest figure and occasionally telling a corny joke or two. The introduction of Priyadarshi and his love interest occurs at the end of the trailer. As the trailer goes on, the lighthearted atmosphere gives way to an underlying sense of suspense.
What misfortune befell the elderly man? What effects does an unexpected event in the community have? Are the guys typically egotistical or do they have a higher moral code? We have numerous questions after seeing the trailer.
This is Dil Raju Productions This rural drama, which was created by Harshith and Hanshitha Reddy, has Bheems Ceciroleo’s soundtrack. The film is directed by Venu Yeldandi (comedian Venu Tillu), and it is set in Siricilla, Telangana. The film has been edited by Madhu, with photography by Acharya Venu.