‘Kaathal – The Core,’ a forthcoming Malayalam movie starring Mammootty and Jyotika, will feature their collaboration. The critically acclaimed film, directed by Jeo Baby, began filming a week ago. On Thursday, actress Jyotika also arrived on set (Oct 27). By sharing images of the actress from the set, the producers confirmed this. Jyotika is depicted in the image wearing lavender sweatshirt, black cargo pants, and sunglasses as accessories.
“Our Leading lady @jyotika has joined the sets of @kaathalthecore Can’t wait to see the magic unfold 😊,” the makers said, dropping the pictures.
Check out the pictures here.
“Kaathal – The Core,” directed by Jeo Baby of “The Great Indian Kitchen” fame, is billed as a light family drama. Paulson Skaria and Adarsh Sukumaran collaborated on the script for the movie. Jeo Baby stated, “I am working on a script that is not my own for the first time, in an interview with Kochi Times. However, after hearing the story, I thought it was good and thought Mammukka would make a good lead actor. He concurred. Mammukka suggested Jyothika when we were debating our options for his wife, and she liked the story and agreed when we asked.
Actors Lalu Alex, Muthumani, and Chinnu Chandni also play important roles in the upcoming movie.
On Jyotika’s birthday, the movie was revealed, and Suriya, who is also her partner, was enthusiastic about the endeavour. “This film’s concept and every action taken by Director JeoBaby and the team at MKampanyOffl is so good! I send my best wishes to @mammukka, Jo, and the team for @kaathalthecore. “Happy birthday, Jo!” he exclaimed.