Live updates on the Pathaan box office: By earning Rs 550 crore in just 5 days after its release, the Shah Rukh Khan-starring film broke the record for greatest Hindi grosser ever. Here are every record that it broke.
With his most recent movie, Pathaan, which was helmed by Siddharth Anand, Shah Rukh Khan restored the much-needed spice to Bollywood. Since its January 25 debut, the spy-thriller has been breaking records. Following a startling opening of Rs 57 crore, the movie made Rs 70 crore on its second day, Rs 39 crore on its third day, and then resumed its upward trend over the weekend with Rs 53 crore before earning Rs 60 crore on its fifth day (Sunday). Over the course of the long weekend, Pathaan’s box office receipts in India alone had surpassed Rs 275 crore (nett). Pathaan knocked out KGF 2 and the Hindi version of Baahubali 2, which reached the milestone on their fifth and sixth days, respectively, to become the quickest movie in history to gross 200 crore rupees.
Trade analyst Taran Adarsh tweeted the film’s latest figures and wrote, “‘PATHAAN’ CROSSES ₹ 500 CR MARK: ₹ 542 CR WORLDWIDE *GROSS* IN 5 DAYS… #Pathaan WORLDWIDE [#India + #Overseas] *Gross* BOC… *5 days*…⭐️ #India: ₹ 335 cr ⭐️ #Overseas: ₹ 207 cr ⭐️ Worldwide Total *GROSS*: ₹ 542 cr.”
With a record-breaking Rs 57 crore opening day in India and a record-breaking opening weekend, Pathaan has already smashed several records. The movie is currently aiming to surpass Dangal’s Rs 387 cr record as the highest-grossing Hindi movie of all time. Pathaan is not only breaking box office records domestically, but also globally, with the movie earning an astounding Rs 542 crore in just five days of release.
Pathaan also broke into top 5 earners at the North America box office. Pathaan settled into fifth place with $5.9 million from only 695 screens.
Shah Rukh Khan is relieved and happy by Pathaan’s numbers since it marks his comeback to acting after a four-year absence. Zero, Fan, and Jab Harry Met Sejal, three of his previous flicks, were box office duds. It’s also good news for Bollywood, which had few blockbusters last year and few films grossing above Rs 200 crore.
Shah Rukh Khan gave a grateful gesture to the throng of admirers waiting outside his Mannat home. He tweeted the video with the following message: “Mehmaan Nawaazi Pathaan ke ghar par… I’d want to thank all of my Mehmaans for making my Sunday so kind. Grateful. Joyful and loved.