Since it was officially confirmed that Prabhas’ latest film “Adipurush” has been pushed back to June 16th, 2023, there have been numerous discussions about the film. And now comes word from Bollywood sources that the makers are taking the negative feedback from netizens about the film’s teaser very seriously.
When the teaser for this Om Raut directorial was released a month ago, there was widespread criticism of the film’s visual effects. Some have even claimed that the film’s lead hero, Prabhas, is a computer-generated creation. They have also commented on the Hanuman character’s walk style and his vanara-sena. Though the director initially denied all criticism, claiming that the large screen experience would give the movie a new feel and that mobile phones would not accurately reflect the quality of the content, he has finally recognised the need to deliver cutting-edge visual effects.
According to reports, a new Visual Effects Studio from Canada and another from the United Kingdom have been incorporated into the work, and they will be changing the existing renders of the movie and taking the animation work inside Adipurush to the next level. The total cost of this improvement is estimated to be around 100 crores for the producers. Even the manufacturers are unconcerned about the additional investment as long as the quality output is consistent.