The producers of Telugu actor Naga Chaitanya’s next movie with director Venkat Prabhu earlier in November, on the actor’s birthday, disclosed that the movie, which was formerly known as “NC22,” has been renamed “Custody.” The most recent news is that the movie, which will star Krithi Shetty and Naga Chaitanya in the key roles, will premiere on May 12, 2023.
The movie, which was directed by Venkat Prabhu and produced by Srinivasaa Chitturi under the name Srinivasaa Silver Screen, is billed as an action thriller.
Krithi Shetty portrays Naga Chaitanya’s love interest in the movie, however Arvind Swami plays the bad guy. Ilaiyaraaja and Yuvan Shankar Raja will both compose the music for the movie. Ilaiyaraaja will write the songs, and Yuvan Shankar Raja will do the background music.