The one-man army theme was used into the Hindi version of Kaithi. The actor debuted his co-star and longtime friend Tabu on Tuesday. In Bholaa, Tabu plays a tough policewoman. Ajay revealed the movie poster and numerous different poses worn by the woman, adding the comment “Ek khaaki.” Shaitaan sau.
Along with Narain and Dheena, Karthi played the lead role in the movie. It is co-produced by Tiruppur Vivek under the label Vivekananda Pictures and is produced by S. R. Prakashbabu, S. R. Prabhu, and S. R. Prakashbabu under the banner Dream Warrior Pictures. If rumours are to be believed, Tabu will take on Narain’s character from the first film.
Lokesh Kanagaraj wrote and directed the original Kaithi in Tamil. After being freed from jail, an ex-convict is travelling home to visit his daughter for the first time. When he becomes entangled in a fight between the police and the local drug cartel, things turn considerably more difficult.
Produced by Ajay Devgn Films, T-Series Films, Reliance Entertainment, and Dream Warrior Pictures, Bholaa is slated for release on March 30. Following the presently in theatres Kuttey, Bholaa will be Tabu’s second release of the year.