“Liger” is an upcoming film directed by Puri Jagannadh and starring Vijay Deverakonda. Vijay Deverakonda is playing the role of a boxer in this film which is being developed as a Pan India film. He is paired with Ananya Panday. Ramya Krishnan and Ronith Roy are also playing the lead roles. Famous boxer Mike Tyson also acted with them.
Music composed by Mani Sharma. Cinematography by Vishnu Sharma. Co-Produced by Puri Jagannadh, Karan Johar and Charmme Kaur. The film is slated to release in August in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Hindi and Kannada languages. While the glimpses of the film have already been released and have been well received. Now the crew has released a new poster. This poster has shocked the fans. Liger is finally scheduled to be released worldwide in theatres on 25 August 2022.
Sharing the poster on twitter, Vijay Devarakonda wrote,
“A Film that took my everything.
As a performance, Mentally, physically my most challenging role. I give you everything!
Coming Soon