Directed by Murugesh, the movie “Murder Live” stars actor Vinay Rai in the lead role. Kannada actress Sharmila Mandre has played the female lead in this film. Also Hollywood actress Naomi Willow has played the pivotal role. Cinematography handled by Misale. Prashant D. Hitesh Manjunath has composed the music for the film. Editing for the film is done by Madan.
This movie is a psycho crime thriller genre and is produced by Dot Com Entertainment Limited at huge cost. The shooting of this film has been completed and the final stages are going on at full swing. The team has released the first look poster of the film “Murder Live”. It is reported that the single track and teaser will be released soon. This poster is currently going viral on the internet. Speaking about this film, director Murugesh said, “Murder Live is an adaptation of the English film “Dot Com For Murder” directed by Niko Mastorakis. The screenplay of this film is innovative and stylish. The plot of the film revolves around the incidents between a psycho killer and four women.