After a brief break, actress Nayanthara will now start filming for her Atlee-directed debut Bollywood film, “Jawan.” Shah Rukh Khan plays the lead in the movie. Following the release of this eagerly anticipated film, news reports claim that Nayanthara has now committed to two further Tamil films. According to sources, she has signed on to star in a new movie alongside Mithran R. Jawahar, and she will also play the female lead in “Thani Oruvan 2,” which is slated to be directed by Mohan Raja.
2015 saw the release of the blockbuster hit movie “Thani Oruvan,” which starred Jayam Ravi, Nayanthara, and Arvind Swamy in the key roles. According to rumours, Jayam Ravi and Nayanthara would appear in the sequel that Mohan Raja has planned.
In addition, Nayanthara is eagerly anticipating the release of her and Jayam Ravi’s film “Iraivan,” which was directed by Ahmed and for which a first-look poster was unveiled in January.