With the bilingual drama “Neram,” which he directed in 2013, Alphonse Puthuren, who is well known for his work in Malayalam films, also made his debut in Tamil. In his ten years in the film industry, Alphonse Puthuren has only ever directed four films, and he frequently reserves his best work for the most fascinating projects. The filmmaker has been asked to make a movie starring Tamil actor Ajith by a supporter of Alphonse Puthuren. In response to the inquiry, Alphonse Puthuren disclosed something that shocked everyone.
Alphonse Puthuren has never personally met Ajithkumar, although he learned of the latter’s acclaim for his film “Premam” from star Nivin Pauly. Ajith personally contacted Nivin Pauly to thank him for playing his favourite character in the movie. In the ensuing eight years, Alphonse Puthuren has made 10 attempts to connect with the actor through his manager Suresh Chandra and another close acquaintance. However, he hasn’t been able to meet the actor yet, and he hopes to do so before he ages.
Alphonse Puthuren has further said “I would ensure that any movie I do with Ajith Kumar sir runs for at least 100 days in all theatres, including Hollywood theatres. The same is true for Thalapathy, Superstar, and Ulaganayagan. I must be allowed the freedom to do my movie how I want, with the resources and the passion that great movies demand. You may then decide if I’m mistaken.”
Since the filmmaker was not permitted to see Ajith 10 times in eight years, Alphonse Puthuren’s response to the fan has generated controversy.
On the professional front, Alphonse Puthuren most recently produced the Malayalam film “Gold,” which stars Prithviraj and Nayanthara in the major roles. The movie is currently streaming in several languages on a well-known OTT site.