Aneethi Movie Review: Vasantha Balan, known for his emotionally charged films, delivers a gripping thriller with Aneethi, impressing in many ways. The story begins as a love tale, following Thiru (Arjun Das), a food delivery guy who struggles with chronic obsessive-compulsive disorder. He finds solace in Subbu (Dushara Vijayan), a housekeeper he meets during his deliveries. Their love blossoms, but things take a dark turn when the elderly woman Subbu works for mysteriously dies.
What sets Aneethi apart is its fresh premise and realistic setup. Vasanthabalan introduces a compelling conflict in the second half that elevates the film. The flashbacks provide a convincing backstory, adding depth to the protagonist’s condition and struggles. As Thiru faces various challenges, his instinctive reactions become understandable, making us empathize with his character. The film is an emotional thriller with subtle yet effective twists.
The cast deserves praise for their outstanding performances. Dushara Vijayan and Arjun Das shine in their roles, showcasing a wide range of emotions. Dushara’s portrayal of a complex character feels authentic and relatable. The supporting actors, including Vanitha Vijayakumar and Kaali Venkat, also deliver commendable performances.
GV Prakash’s background score and songs add to the movie’s overall impact. Though there are a few sequences that might feel slightly out of place, the writing remains effective throughout. Aneethi marks a strong comeback for Vasanthabalan, offering a compelling and engaging cinematic experience.