Pongal was the occasion for the release of Vijay’s “Varisu,” which was released on January 11 in the midst of the previous week to compete with Ajith’s “Thunivu” at the box office. Both movies had enormous opening weekends at the box office, with the Vijay starrer picking up later. According to “Varisu’s” box office earnings as of day 7, it appears that Vijay’s movie would be the first in India to earn Rs 200 crore in 2023. With consistent attendance at all venues and family audiences coming in to watch “Varisu,” Vijay’s movie is doing well over the Tamil Nadu holiday season. The movie receives favourable reviews everywhere and ends up earning about Rs 210 crores.
On January 16, the producers of “Varisu” made an official declaration that the movie has made over Rs 150 crores. Today, the producers have made another official announcement with a gorgeous Vijay poster stating that the movie has made Rs 200 crores. It won’t be a surprise if “Varisu” surpasses Vijay’s last film, “Beast,” in terms of box office take and becomes the actor’s second 300 crore earner after the 2019 sports drama “Bigil.”
Vamshi Paidipally’s film “Varisu,” an intense family story with humour, excitement, and pathos, is enjoyable. Fans have been entertained by Vijay’s lengthy performance, and the picture is strengthened by the talents of Sarathkumar, Jayasudha, Prakash Raj, and Shaam. The squad will meet supporters one week after thanking the press and media for their support lately.