Ayngaran is an action film written and directed by RaviArasu. The film stars G. V. Prakash Kumar and Mahima Nambiar. Produced by B.Ganesh. The film began its production in January 2017. Cinematography done by Saravanan Abimanayu. Editing was done by Raja Mohammad. This film was distributed by Sony Liv.
The soundtrack of the film by G.V. Prakash Kumar himself. Lyrics by Shiva Shankar, Vivek, G. Rokesh and Madhan Karky. The story of the film follows a skilled socially conscientious mechanical engineer – The role played by G.V.Prakash kumar.
The release work of this film has been going on recently. The release was abruptly postponed. Earlier it was announced to be released on May 5th. G.V.Prakash Kumar, the protagonist of the film, has said that “the film overcome many obstacles. My friend Actor Dhanush is going to announce the release date of Ayngaran”. In this case, Dhanush has announced the new release date of the film. Ayngaran is set to release in theaters on 12 May 2022. It has also been announced that the Ayngaran movie will be streamed on the Aha OTT site after its theatrical release.
By: Hari