On September 29, the Tamil film Nane Varuvaen, directed by Dhanush’s brother Selvaraghavan, was released in theatres worldwide. Dhanush and Selva have now collaborated on five projects, including Thulluvadho Ilamai, Kadhal Kondein, Pudhupettai, and Mayakkam Yenna.
The plot revolves around Prabhu and Kathir, identical twin brothers. While Prabhu is a likeable person, Kathir has always caused trouble, earning his father’s wrath because he is tired of constantly correcting him. When Kathir attacks the child next door, their father ties him to a tree in the backyard.
The plot of Naane Varuven then shifts to the story of Prabhu, a typical suburbanite who prioritises his family above all else. When his daughter Satya is possessed by the ghost of a young boy, his life is turned upside down. What is the connection between Kathir and Satya’s possession? Will Prabhu be successful in saving Satya? make up the rest of the story
Dhanush appears in a dual role for the third time, following Kodi and Pattas. Nane Varuvaen is now available on Amazon Prime Video in both Telugu and Tamil.
Dhanush films are extremely popular in the Tamil film industry. Though he does not appear to have a Super Star image, if the buzz is positive, his films can perform unexpectedly well at the box office. But, regardless of the film’s outcome, Dhanush deserves a perfect score for his performance.
Tiruchitambalam was released prior to Dhanush’s Nane Varuvaen, which became his biggest hit. Thiru, the Telugu title for this film, was also released. Thiru received a positive response.
Dhanush is currently working on the film Sir/Vaathi, which is being directed by Venky Atluri. This film will be released bilingually in Telugu and Tamil. This film’s producers intend to release it across India.
Despite Dhanush’s announcement of a film directed by Shekhar Kammula, the project has yet to take a single step forward. The project is almost cancelled, according to insiders.