For the science fiction drama “7aum Arivu,” Suriya and AR Murugadoss collaborated, and the movie was a success. In the movie, Suriya played two different roles and gave two distinct performances. With this movie, Shruti Haasan made her Tamil acting debut alongside Suriya. However, did you know that Suriya was slated to play three roles in “7aum Arivu”?
Following the success of “Ghajini,” AR Murugadoss and Suriya collaborated once more on the film “7aum Arivu.” Suriya was going to have three roles in the movie, according to AR Murugadoss’s plan. Before the movie even started, however, the director made a plan change and substituted Shruti Haasan for one of Suriya’s characters. In the absence of a female lead, Suriya would have played three roles in the movie: Bodhidharma, Aravind, and a scientist (which was played by Shruti Haasan).
2011 Diwali saw the release of “7aum Arivu,” which competed at the box office with Vijay’s “Velayudham.” Both movies did well at the box office, and Suriya won over fans with the movie.