Seththumaan is a Tamil film produced by Neelam Productions. Adapted from the short story ”Varukari” written by writer Perumal Murugan. Today it has been released directly on the SonyLiv website and has been garnering rave reviews.
Speaking at the press conference of the film today, director Pa. Ranjith said, “Thank you very much to the media and press friends who continue to support us. Is Seththumaan a movie? I did not know at first. Will this be a future flim when I read that story? I also had a suspicion. I also asked the director of the film, Tamil. Yet it is an undeniable fact that this story affected me greatly.
One thing I have learned from watching other language films is that cinemas should have the same unfettered freedom as literature. Even though I can not make independent films now, I am interested in making films like that in the future. Well now I was thinking of making independent films. That’s when director Tamil approached me and gave me this story. Having read it, I have great faith in that story. It can be said that this film is one of the films produced by Neelam with full independence of the director. We have been instrumental in getting the picture done exactly what he thought it would be. I often take on the responsibility of deciding what can and cannot be told in stories. Director Tamil did not even give me the job in this film.
The fact that the President of India Ramnath Govind was brought in this screenplay as a layer is truly brilliant. Since President Ramnath Govind has entered a temple, it is in India that has performed the yagna on behalf of the temple to spend that defilement. This will be the film that best shows that a person from an oppressed community can be the President of the country and not get caught up in caste issues. We all need to understand that there is a huge commercial market for such independent films. Directors who want to make independent films with such an ideological aspect can approach Neelam Production” he said enthusiastically.