One of the most eagerly anticipated films in the Tamil cinema industry is Ajith Kumar’s 62nd movie, which is provisionally titled “AK62.” The big-budget project supported by Lyca Productions will be directed by renowned director Magizh Thirumeni, albeit this is not yet confirmed.
In the meantime, there have been rumours that the film crew may follow the lead of Thalapathy Vijay’s film “Leo” and publicly unveil the project’s title. The newest rumour is that Magizh Thirumeni has narrowed down the options for AK62 to three, and that the movie would begin production using one of those titles.
Recent information indicates that the AK-62 is probably called “Devil.” Also, according to insiders, the film’s cast and crew have been completed. The much-anticipated movie will have Nirav Shah as the cinematographer and Anirudh Ravichander as the composer. Incidentally, a report claims that the crew performed the puja for AK62 a few days ago without Ajith Kumar’s presence.