Father of the Bride is an American romantic comedy film directed by Gaz Alazraki. Written by Matt Lopez, based on the 1949 novel of the same name by Edward Streeter. The film stars Andy Garcia, Gloria Estefan, Adria Arjona, Isabela Merced, Diego Boneta, and Chloe Fineman. It is the third version of the story, after the original 1950 film and the 1991 remake. The film is produced by Plan B Entertainment. Cinematography for the film was handled by Igor Jadue-Lillo. Editing was done by Jon Poll. Music composed by Terence Blanchard. Distributed by
Warner Bros. Pictures and
HBO Max.
A father must come to grips with his daughter’s upcoming marriage and handle many relationships in his vast Cuban American family.
The film is scheduled to be released in United States of America on 16 June 2022 by Warner Bros. Pictures and HBO Max.