In Tamil film, Yogi Babu is now ranked as the best comic. He is also a talented actor and occasionally plays heroes in movies like “Mandela,” which received several National Awards. Yogi will once again play the protagonist in the next movie “Bommai Nayagi.”
Yesterday, the Bommai Nayagi official trailer made its debut online and quickly gained popularity. It is wonderful to see Yogi Babu once more playing a significant role. In the 2.5-minute film, he portrays a tea shop owner, but we can also detect hints of a loving and distant parent in him. An strong emotional and social drama is promised in the ad.
Shan wrote and directed Bommai Nayagi, while Sundaramurthy KS wrote the soundtrack. The movie is being financed by Yaazhi Films and director Pa Ranjith under the label Neelam Productions. Arputharaj is the director of photography, Selva RK is the editor, and Jayaragu is the art director. On February 3rd, the movie will be released.