Directed by Karthik Subbaraj the movie “Jigarthanda” released on 01 August 2014. This film featured Siddharth, Bobby Simha, Lakshmi Menon, Karunakaran, Guru Somasundaram and others. The film had music composed by Santhosh Narayanan. Director Karthik Subbaraj has announced the second part of the film Jigarthanda by releasing a video mentioning it on the completion of eight years since the release of the film.
Karthik Subbaraj seems to be confident that the second part of the critically acclaimed Jigarthanda will be better than doing another film. Notably, Bobby Simha won the National Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in that film, while Vivek Harshan was awarded one for Best Editing. Karthik Subbaraj is yet to announce who will star in the second part of the film.