Tamil Nadu is home to a sizable fan base for Indian cricketer MS Dhoni, who represents Chennai in the national T20 competition and refers to Chennai as his second homeland. The formal news that MS Dhoni would enter the Kollywood film industry by producing movies was announced in October 2022. The most recent information is that MS Dhoni’s first production, which also stars Harish Kalyan, is named “Let’s Get Married.”
The female protagonist will be played by “Love Today” actress Ivana, and the movie’s filming began with a muhurat puja. The official trailer for “Let’s Get Married,” also known as “LGM,” is intriguing and promises viewers a fun movie.
Ramesh Tamilmani will helm the family-friendly comedy, and it has been planned for the filming to conclude up quickly. We may anticipate learning more fascinating details about the movie as it develops since Nadia and Yogi Babu will play important parts. The soundtrack will be composed by Viswajith, while Pradeep Ragav, who previously edited the Tamil films “Kathakali,” “Tik Tik Tik,” “Comali,” and “Love Today,” will handle the editing.
Let’s Get Married marks Harish Kalyan’s return to the acting world after his last marriage to Narmada Udaykumar in October 2022. The endearing actor is sure to win over fans with his back-to-back intriguing movies.