The trailer of the film “Natchathiram Nagargiradhu” directed by Pa. Ranjith was released by the film makers today. It is produced by Yaazhi Films and Neelam Productions. This film features Kalaiyarasan, Kalidas Jayaram, Dushara Vijayan, Hari Krishnan, Vinoth, Subathra Robert, Shabeer Kallarakkal and many others. Cinematography is handled by Kishor Kumar. Editing done by Selva R.K. Music for the film is composed by Tenma.
Natchathiram Nagargiradhu storyline seems to have many main characters. The film is scheduled to release in theatres on 31 August 2022. The trailer of the film showcases scenes of individuals from various walks of life. It reveals what love means to them.
Trailer also centers on what love means to each of them. The film tries to talk about not only love but also its problems. Forced marriages, problems in marriages, love between heterosexuals, love between a transgender man and a man are presented in a compelling way.