Dhamaka, the third movie of Telugu actor Ravi Teja’s in 2022, is scheduled for a theatrical release. On December 18, 2022, the movie’s trailer was released to the public and has already received over a million YouTube views. Media sources stated that an OTT juggernaut had purchased the digital rights to Dhamaka before to its debut.
Dhamaka: Cast and Crew
Trinadha Rao Nakkina wrote and directed Dhamaka, which is categorised as an action comedy. The movie also features Sree Leela, Jayaram, and others in addition to Ravi Teja. T G Vishwa Prasad and Abhishek Agarwal, respectively, are producing Dhamaka under the People Media Factory and Abhishek Agarwal Arts labels. The movie, which was filmed in Hyderabad and several locations in Spain, was cinematographically directed by Karthik Ghattamaneni. Prawin Pudi oversaw the film’s editing, while Bheems Ceciroleo provided the music, writing six songs just for it.
Dhamaka: OTT Release Date – Where to Watch
On December 23, 2022, Dhamaka was launched in theatres and did well on its first day. Fans will be able to view Dhamaka on Netflix after the theatrical run thanks to the advance purchase of the digital streaming rights. We’re anticipating formal confirmation of the digital launch date and additional information.
Dhamaka: Trailer and Premise
The protagonist of Dhamaka is JP, a corporate tycoon and the CEO of JP Orbit. People who work for him are not happy since he is renowned for ruthlessly managing businesses. In an effort to grow the company, he is considering buying another company called “People Mart,” which is owned by Nanda Gopal Chakravarty. He intends to give this to his son Arya as a birthday present, but things do not turn out as he had hoped since JP has to deal with his rival’s decision to depose him. Eventually, JP learns that Swami was a part of Anand’s plot to depose him and that Anand had chosen to hire 1000 people in Vizag in order to aid the poor.