For “Thalapathy 67,” Vijay and Lokesh Kanagaraj have collaborated once more. The movie was formally premiered yesterday, Jan. 30, and since then, the hashtags related to “Thalapathy 67” have been dominating social media trends. The film’s creators officially announced Sanjay Dutt’s participation by releasing a red-themed billboard featuring a flaming still of him. On the poster, the actor is quoted as saying, “When I heard the one line of ‘Thalapathy 67,’ I knew in that very instant I had to be part of the film and I’m happy to start this trip.” This is interesting.
The “Thalapathy 67” producers are pleased to have Sanjay Dutt play a significant role in the movie and like how the Bollywood star has been since their first encounter. Sanjay Dutt is making his Tamil debut with “Thalapathy 67,” and it’s been rumoured that the film’s producers have agreed to pay him Rs 10 crores.
The film is rumoured to star Trisha, Priya Anand, Gautham Menon, Arjun Sarja, and Mansoor Ali Khan, among others. The producers will likely provide more official information soon. Fans are excitedly anticipating a surprise from the “Thalapathy 67” team in the meanwhile.
According to reports, “Thalapathy 67” is a Pan-Indian action movie. Yesterday, the film’s announcement also included the official personnel list (Jan 30). The soundtrack will be composed by Anirudh Ravichander, and Manoj Paramhamasa will be in charge of the cinematography. The “Thalapathy 67” crew is travelling to Kashmir this morning for the film’s main schedule.