The big-budget drama directed by Siruthai Siva and starring Suriya will be released in 10 languages over the course of two parts. The first day of shooting for the movie, which has the working title “Suriya 42,” began with a pooja in Chennai. The most recent information on the movie is that Suriya and Disha Patani have begun filming “Suriya 42” in Goa. The main schedule of “Suriya 42” will take place in the Goan forests, and the producers anticipate a 100-day shoot. Today, as the movie enters a crucial phase, the lead actors Suriya and Disha Patani also came to the set.
In order to kick off the Goa schedule, a stunt sequence involving more than 250 artists will be shot first for “Suriya 42,” which will be shot simultaneously in 2D and 3D. The high-budget drama will star Suriya, who is known for his versatility, who will reportedly portray 5 different roles. For the movie shoot, a sizable set has also been built in Goa.
The role that Anirudh Ravichander’s father, actor Ravi Raghavendra, will play in “Suriya 42,” but no other information about the supporting cast has yet been made public. The music is being composed by Devi Sri Prasad, and Vetri will be in charge of the camera.
Additionally, Suriya still has work to finish for the Bala-directed movie “Vanangan,” and Goa will once again serve as the location for that movie’s upcoming schedule of filming.