In Mani Ratnam’s epic “Ponniyin Selvan 1,” Jayam Ravi received widespread praise for his depiction of the legendary Raja Raja Chola. The premiere of his subsequent movie, “Agilan,” is scheduled for March 10. With the release of the first track, “Dhrogam,” the team has started the promotion process.
Agilan’s music and soundtrack were created by Sam CS. Sam CS and Shivam provide a tremendous performance on the new song, “Dhrogam.” In the song words, lyricist Vivek pokes fun at people’s immorality and hypocrisy. This next action thriller directed by Screen Scene features Jayam Ravi as a thug, and he looks very terrifying in this new role.
N Kalyana Krishnan, who previously worked with Jayam Ravi on “Bhooloham,” is the director of Agilan. Priya Bhavani Shankar, Tanya Ravichandran, Harish Uthaman, Chirag Jani, Hareesh Peradi, Kumaravel, Madhusudhan Rao, and several more actors also appear in the movie. The editor is Ganesh Kumar, while the cinematographer is Vivek Anand. The distribution rights were won by Red Giant Films.