Despite the pandemic danger, Lokesh Kanagaraj and Vijay first worked together on the action movie “Master,” which was released in theatres during Pongal 2021. Interestingly, the high-octane movie ended up being a smash hit, so the team has now come back together for the 67th movie starring the actor from “Master.” The most recent report asserts that the title of “Thalapathy 67” begins with the letter “K.” Thalapathy 67 is the working title for Vijay and Lokesh Kanagaraj’s reunion, and the film’s creators have been actively updating social media since this past Monday (Jan. 30).
The “Thalapathy 67” title commercial is scheduled to be released this afternoon at 5 PM, and anticipation is high for Vijay’s character introduction clip. The title of “Thalapathy 67” will begin with “K,” according to the most recent report, and it will have seven letters. As the filmmaker alluded to “Code Red” in the so far-released posters, the video is anticipated to be jam-packed with a bloody action sequence and feature a furious punch line from Vijay. Fans are currently anticipating seeing Vijay’s first appearance in “Thalapathy 67,” and the title reveal may provide a clearer picture of the movie.
The creators previously presented a homemade poster to reveal the day and time of the “Thalapathy 67” title promo, and it impressed the fans.
Trisha, Sanjay Dutt, Arjun Sarja, Gautham Menon, Priya Anand, Mysskin, Sandy, Mathew Thomas, and Mansoor Ali Khan will all play significant parts in the Lokesh Kanagaraj-directed film “Thalapathy 67.” The music will be composed by Anirudh Ravichander, and Manoj Paramahamsa will be in charge of the filming.