‘Great Indian Kitchen,’ a Malayalam film, was a smash hit across the country. The film received critical acclaim after its release in 2021. The film is now being remade in Tamil under the same title, with Aishwarya Rajesh playing the female lead. The upcoming Tamil film is directed by R Kannan and stars Rahul Ravindran and Jackie Shroff in key roles.
The trailer depicts Aishwarya Rajesh as a single girl willingly accepting the role of a married woman but eventually despising the transformation because her family expects her to only manage the house and focus on cooking and cleaning. The film gradually depicts how a happily married couple becomes embroiled in a squabble over their differing views on how a woman should live her life.
Director Kannan attempted to keep the Tamil version of the film as close to the original Malayalam version as possible. The Malayalam version was well received by the Tamil audience, and it is now expected that the Tamil version will be well received as well.