On the occasion of the actor’s last birthday, a surprising revelation was made that Kamal Haasan will be working with director Mani Ratnam on his 234th film. The two illustrious stars’ reunion has been given the working title “KH 234,” and it appears that there will be another reunion. According to a recent rumour about “KH 234,” Trisha would star alongside Kamal Haasan in Mani Ratnam’s film. It will take some time for “KH 234” to start shooting because both the director and the actor are occupied with other obligations. The cast and crew have been finalised by the producers in the interim.
If all goes according to plan, Trisha will appear in “KH 234” as the female lead, making her third movie with Kamal Haasan following “Manmadhan Ambu” and “Thoongavanam.” Additionally, the actress’s next major role will reportedly be with Vijay in Lokesh Kanagaraj’s “Thalapathy 67,” making it back-to-back blockbusters for her.
The movie “Indian 2,” starring Kamal Haasan and directed by Shankar, is now in production and is scheduled to hit theatres around Dussehra 2023. Kamal Haasan is reportedly enjoying a quickie with filmmaker H Vinoth in the meanwhile.
However, Mani Ratnam is currently working on the much-anticipated sequel “Ponniyin Selvan 2,” which is scheduled to hit theatres on April 28, 2023.