While Dhanush’s upcoming Tamil-Telugu bilingual film ‘Vaathi,’ directed by Telugu director Venky Atluri, is set to hit theatres on December 2, 2022, the film’s first single will be released on November 10, 2022. Shwetha Mohan sang the song, which was written by Dhanush and set to music by GV Prakash. GV Prakash and Dhanush have teased the audience with an unplugged version ahead of the song’s release.
In the unplugged version, Dhanush sings the song in both Tamil and Telugu. An ecstatic Samyuktha Menon, who plays the film’s female lead, also shared her experience grooving to the song in the film.
Sharing the video of himself singing the song with GV Prakash on the keyboard, Dhanush posted, “Vaathi / Sir first single vaa vaathi( Tamil ) masteru ( telugu ) from 10 th. A @gvprakash musical and my favourite @_ShwetaMohan_ has sung it. Hope you guys like it” (sic)
Actress Samyuktha Menon, posted, “Oh my god ! How much I have enjoyed , grooving to those lines ❤️ Thank You for this beautiful song @gvprakash. As D used to tell me , indeed , ” it’s a luck to get such a beautiful song as an actor . You can go straight into people’s heart and stay there for very very long” (sic)
The Tamil-Telugu bilingual has been titled ‘Vaathi’ in Tamil and ‘Sir’ in Telugu, and is being produced by S Naga Vamsi and Sai Soujanya of Sithara Entertainments. The film is described as a social drama centred on the education mafia and highlighting one young man’s fight against education privatisation.