The film “Varisu” starring Vijay directed by Vamsi Paidypalli. The film will be released directly in Tamil and Telugu languages. Rashmika Mandanna is acting opposite Vijay in this film. Also, Prakashraj, Sarathkumar, Khushboo, Sham, Yogi Babu and others are playing important roles. The filming of the film is on progress. The first single of the film is said to release on this Diwali. Vijay fans are very much excited about this announcement.
The film “Varisu” will release next year on account of Pongal. In this case, it has been reported that actor Vijay’s Varisu film has collected 180 crore rupees before its release. According to film sources, the film’s television license, OTT license, song license and foreign release license have been traded for Rs.180 crore. Amazon Prime has reportedly acquired the OTT license for Rs. 60 crore. Satellite rights are said to be sold for Rs. 50 crore, digital rights for the film is Rs. 60 crore and songs for Rs.10 crore.