One of the most popular directors in Tamil cinema, Lokesh Kanagaraj, created a fictional world with his most recent film, “Vikram,” which starred Kamal Haasan. For his upcoming movie, “Leo,” Lokesh Kanagaraj has teamed up with Vijay. The filmmaker has not yet said whether or not the movie would be a part of Lokesh Kanagaraj’s Cinematic Universe (LCU). But, a recent image that is going viral on social media suggests that Leo, played by Vijay, will be a part of LCU. The most recent image from the film’s shooting location in Kashmir has been released by Rathna Kumar, who is co-writing the dialogue for “Leo” with Lokesh Kanagaraj.
Never say die #Leo #Kashmir #ShootingDiaries is how Rathna Kumar captioned a photo in which she was seen drinking from a cooler while holding a one-side glass.
Fans have interestingly correlated a remarkable detail in the image—the one-side glass from a cooler—with a scene starring Vijay Sethupathi in “Vikram.” Also, they anticipate Vijay Sethupathi to reprise his role as Santhanam in “Leo.”
Prior to this, Sandy, who has a significant part in “Leo,” admitted that he is unsure of whether the movie qualifies as an LCU or not and that Lokesh Kanagaraj hasn’t made up his mind about it.
Vijay and Trisha play the key characters in “Leo,” a pan-Indian criminal drama that also stars Sanjay Dutt, Arjun Sarja, Gautham Menon, Priya Anand, Mysskin, Mansoor Ali Khan, and Mathew Thomas in pivotal parts. For a significant schedule, the crew is presently camped out in Kashmir, and things are going well.