After their rural comedy (Mundasupatti) and psycho thriller (Ratsasan), actor Vishnu Vishal and filmmaker Ramkumar are teaming together once more, as we had previously reported. Vishnu Vishal completed the test shot for the movie, which is described as a romantic drama with elements of fantasy and emotional drama set in a hill town.
In a previous interview, director Ramkumar said they weren’t aiming to drastically alter the actor’s appearance, but rather to make Vishnu look more like a chocolate boy for the movie. The remaining cast and crew are still being finalised, but actor Munishkanth, who was previously in Mundasupatti and Ratsasan, has been brought on for a crucial role.
The first session of Aishwarya Rajinikanth’s “Lal Salaam,” which also features superstar Rajinikanth in a significant part, was just completed by director Vishnu Vishal. According to reports, Vishnu Vishal plays a cricket player in the drama, which is reported to be based on the sport.