There has been a lot of conjecture around Rajinikanth’s 170th film even before the production of his current effort, Jailer, alongside Nelson Dilipkumar, is over. There have been rumours about the Superstar and Love Today’s Pradeep Ranganathan discussing a project in recent days.
We now know that Rajinikanth would probably work with filmmaker TJ Gnanavel, who won praise for his previous movie, Jai Bhim. The filmmaker wasn’t available for comment, but a source told us that Gnanavel had told Rajinikanth about a storyline and that the Superstar was really taken with the idea.
According to the source, Ganavel’s upcoming movie will also address societal themes. Rajinikanth was a fan of the narrative and has formally accepted to work on the project. He has, though, asked Gnanavel to return with a bound copy of the screenplay and made some alterations that would make the protagonist more appropriate for him.
The filmmaker has been requested to draught a script for Suriya, who is currently filming for #Suriya42, his movie with Siva. If all goes well, the director is prepared to give Suriya bulk dates. We wonder who of the two actors Gnanavel will work with next.