Mani Ratnam has wrapped up the shooting of his blockbuster Ponniyin Selvan and is currently gearing up for the release of the same. A star cast has given life to the film which is made in two parts. While many actors, including Rajinikanth, were keen to act in the film, actress Amala Paul, who was offered the film twice, rejected Mani Ratnam. In a recent interview, she revealed the reason behind her decision.
She said, “A few years ago, Mani Ratnam called me for “Ponniyin Selvan”. Being a fan of him, I attended the audition excitedly. But then the film was not launched. I was saddened and worried about this. Then in 2021, when he called me for the same film, I was in no mood to act. So it has to be denied. I don’t have any feelings for that now. Because some things are fair. Correct. I think it’s perfectly designed and it’s all about how we look.
Some people are asking me that why I am not acting in more Telugu cinemas. Telugu cinema industry was dominated by film families and fans. Each film has 2 heroines. Love scenes and songs are all attractive. They were commercial films. So I acted in fewer films only.”