In the aftermath of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, plans for a sequel were cut short due to changes within the DCEU. The director had envisioned an epic story that would have revolved around the fall of Earth, driven by Superman succumbing to the ominous “Anti-Life Equation.” Darkseid and Lex Luthor were among the main villains planned for future SnyderVerse projects, hinting at the immense challenges the Justice League would face.
However, there were even more surprises in store for fans. Jay Olivia, a talented DC storyboard artist, unveiled exciting details about a potential sequel and a Flashpoint movie that was in the works. This Flashpoint film would have acted as a quasi-Justice League sequel, with its events significantly impacting the SnyderVerse’s future. According to Olivia, The Flash movie was set to lay the groundwork for a formidable foe of the DC Universe, none other than Eobard Thawne, also known as Professor Zoom or Reverse-Flash.
The prospect of seeing Reverse-Flash as the primary antagonist in a potential Justice League sequel heightened excitement among fans, as his character possesses immense speed and a profound connection to The Flash. However, with Zack Snyder’s departure from the franchise and a new management team overseeing Warner Bros.’ superhero projects, the chances of these captivating storylines coming to fruition have unfortunately diminished.
As a result, the intriguing continuation of Zack Snyder’s vision for the Justice League and the inclusion of such iconic villains will remain a tantalizing “what-if” scenario for many dedicated DC fans.