Director Balaji Mohan of “Kadhalil Sodhappuvadhu Eppadi” fame was recently said to have secretly wed actress Dhanya Balakrishna after Telugu TV actress Kalpika Ganesh said that Balaji Mohan had done so in an interview. While Balaji Mohan and Dhanya Balakrishna had both kept quiet about it, it appears that the youthful filmmaker has now officially acknowledged the union.
According to actress Kalpika Ganesh, the director is controlling his wife and won’t let her perform or promote the Telugu films she has already worked on. Balaji Mohan then submitted the following appeal to the Madras High Court: “Movies like How I Fall in Love, Maari, and Maari 2 were directed by me. On January 23rd of last year, I wed Dhanya Balakrishna, an actor who has appeared in movies like “7 aam Arivu” and “Raja Rani.” An actress from Telangana named Kalpika Ganesh, who performs in web series, has posted videos on YouTube to spread slander against my spouse and I. She posted it on social media as well.”
They requested a restraining order in the case to prevent Kalpika Ganesh from making disparaging remarks about their private lives. After hearing the case, Judge Senthilkumar Ramamurthy issued an order prohibiting actress Kalpika Ganesh from disparaging director Balaji Mohan and his wife Dhanya Balakrishna in any way. The case was postponed to January 20 by the judge, who also mandated notice to the defendant.