In “Batman: The Animated Series,” Kevin Conroy’s gravely delivery became, for many Batman fans, the unmistakable voice of the Caped Crusader. Conroy passed away at the age of 66.
Producer of the series Warner Bros. revealed Friday that Conroy passed away on Thursday after a cancer battle.
Conroy frequently appeared opposite Mark Hamill’s Joker as Batman in the acclaimed animated series that aired from 1992 to 1996. Conroy continued to serve as Batman’s almost sole animated voice actor for a total of 15 movies, 400 television episodes, and twenty video games, including the “Batman: Arkham” and “Injustice” series.
No one has played the Dark Knight more in the eight decades of Batman.
According to Hamill in a statement, “He has been the undisputed Batman for several generations.” It was one of those instances where everything came together perfectly and the world was made better because they selected the ideal candidate for the job.
Hamill declared, “He’ll always be my Batman.”
Conroy became a sought-after figure on the convention circuit as a result of his popularity with fans. Conroy was a mainstay and well-liked figure in the frequently turbulent world of DC Comics. Conroy’s portrayal of the Dark Knight “will forever stand among the greatest portrayals of the Dark Knight in any medium,” according to a statement from Warner Bros. Animation.
Paul Dini, the producer of the animated series, said of Kevin, “Kevin brought a light with him everywhere, whether in the recording booth giving it his all or feeding first responders during 9/11 or making sure every fan who ever waited for him had a moment with their Batman.” “In every sense of the word, a hero.”
Conroy began his career as a skilled theatre actor after being born in Westbury, New York, and raised in Westport, Connecticut. He shared a dorm with Robin Williams while attending Juilliard. He went on tour with John Houseman’s acting troupe, the Acting Company, after receiving his degree. At the Public Theater and on Broadway, he appeared in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and “Eastern Standard,” respectively. He performed in “Hamlet” at the Old Globe Theatre in San Diego, California.
He had a special connection to the 1980s version of “Eastern Standard,” in which Conroy portrayed a TV producer who was secretly suffering from AIDS. Conroy, a gay man, recalled that he frequently attended friends’ AIDS-related funerals at the time. Every night, he vented his suffering on stage.
Conroy relocated to Los Angeles in 1980, started performing in soap operas, and landed roles on TV shows like “Cheers,” “Tour of Duty,” and “Murphy Brown.” Before Conroy came in for an audition, casting director Andrea Romano had to sift through hundreds of applicants to find her lead actor for “Batman: The Animated Series” in 1991. On the advice of a friend, he went there and started acting right away.