Bigg Boss Telugu 7, the highly controversial reality show, is gearing up for its return to the small screen. After singer Revanth emerged as the winner of the sixth season, fans are eagerly awaiting the premiere of the seventh season. The makers have recently unveiled the first promo video of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, igniting excitement among the audience.
Similar to previous seasons, Bigg Boss Telugu 7 will be broadcasted on the popular Telugu television channel, Star Maa. The initial promo, shared on social media, announces the comeback of the reality show with a promise of double entertainment. While sources indicate that Bigg Boss Season 7 is slated to air on Star Maa in September, an official confirmation is still pending.
Regarding the contestants for Bigg Boss Telugu 7, the organizers are actively approaching renowned celebrities from the television industry, social media platforms, and YouTube. However, the final list of housemates is yet to be confirmed. Speculations suggested the inclusion of popular anchor-actress Rashmi Gautam, but she has denied these rumors. It was also reported that Madhavi Latha, another well-known face, was approached. Amardeep Chowdary, acclaimed for his roles in various serials, including “Janaki Kalaganaledu,” is rumored to be a confirmed contestant for the upcoming season.
The host for Bigg Boss Telugu 7 has not been finalized yet. While Nagarjuna Akkineni, who entertained viewers with his hosting skills for four seasons, may or may not return as the host this time, it is said that Nandamuri Balakrishna will take over hosting duties for the next season of Bigg Boss Telugu 7.
Bigg Boss Telugu 7 will also be aired in September