Bigg Boss Tamil 6 Kondattam’s highly anticipated grand finale, which was hosted by Priyanka Deshpande, ended with a big gala Kondattam. The show features former BB Tamil competitors Azeem, Dhanalakshmi, Manikandan, Queency, Asal Kolaru, Sharina, and others.
The creators of the reality TV show want to celebrate Bigg Boss Tamil’s sixth season much as they did the previous five. On Sunday it will be broadcast (February 12).
ADK and Asal Kolaru were shown performing to a rap song in the commercial that was made public. Additionally, Dhanalakshmi and Azeem collaborated on a dance performance. Earlier, a photo of Shivin and Vikraman that appeared to be from a practise session for a dance routine was also extensively shared on social media.
There will be performances by other famous people in addition to those by the Bigg Boss Tamil season 6 participants. Bala, of Kalakka Povathu Yaaru fame, was spotted performing in yet another teaser.
The BB house’s most popular duo, Manikandan and Queency, may be seen performing together in BB Kondattam.
Azeem, Dhanalakshmi, Manikandan, Queency, Asal Kolaru, Sharina, Vikraman, ADK, Rachitha, Shivin, GP Muthu, Amudhavana, Shanthi Master, Maheshwari, Ram, Janani, and Robert Master are anticipated to appear on the show.
When Rayan, Azeem’s son, unexpectedly enters the performance, the former is overcome with emotion.
At the gala festivities, all of the Bigg Boss competitors will be there. Social media users are anticipating the episode since it will bring together all of their favourite Bigg Boss Tamil competitors.