In Tamil, Aparna Balamurali, who is famous for playing the female lead in the film Soorarai Pottu. She has also acted in films like 8 Thottakkal, Sarvam Thala Mayam, Theethum Nanrum, Veetla Vishesham. Also, She has acted in many Malayalam films. Actress Aparna Balamurali faces mockery for being obese.
In the interview given by her, she said that, “There is no relation between physical appearance and talent. I am sad to hear that I am obese. But now I don’t see people talking like that. Changes in body weight can occur due to health problems and other reasons. Many people accept me as who I am and what I am. Their looks are nothing compared to the influence of actors like Dhanush and Vijay Sethupathi. They are beyond appearances. Popularity has nothing to do with looks. Skill is what matters. I couldn’t understand that only if I was skinny, I would get the chance to be a heroine.”