The iconic TV show that ran on DD National from 1997 to the mid-2000 is “Shaktimaan” featured actor Mukesh Khanna as a superhero. In February this year, Sony Pictures India announced its support for the adaptation of the popular superhero TV show Shaktimaan. Mukesh Khanna has sold the rights of the iconic show Shaktimaan to Sony Pictures International Productions. The studio, along with Brewing Thoughts Pvt Ltd and Mukesh Khanna’s Beeshm International, is set to recreate the magic trilogy of the superhero series.
In a recent conversation with Amar Ujala, Oji Shaktimaan Mukesh Khanna shared that “The film is being made on a budget of Rs. 300 crore. This project came to me after many years. Shaktimaan 2 was asked to make the film. I do not want to bring the powerful back on TV. After the internal talks, I joined hands with the Sony people and then made the news public. Do people want to know what happens next? What should I tell them now? This is a big film with a budget of Rs. 300 crore. Can’t tell much about it till everything is finalised.”
The official Twitter account of Sony Pictures India shared,
“After the super success of our many superhero films in India and all over the globe, it’s time for our desi Superhero!”