On the evening of this coming Sunday, January 22nd, Kamal Haasan will host the grand finale of “Bigg Boss Tamil 6.” Who will win the title is a topic of tremendous interest. Amudhavanan won rupees thirteen lakhs out of the five candidates who made it to the very end. The midweek eviction also eliminated Mynaa Nandhini from the competition.
Shivin, Vikraman, and Azeem were the three formidable opponents in the bout, as was to be expected. While Vikraman has his own fan base because of his clear political ideology and fair game play, Shivin is equally respected for his portrayal of the third gender and deserved to win.
However, the fact that Azeem has won the title of “Bigg Boss Tami 6” has leaked, which should surprise many on social media. Due to his explosive temper and indiscriminate use of abusive language on both male and female candidates, the well-known television actor courted a number of scandals.
Azeem’s admirers, on the other hand, believe that he played the game honestly, stayed true to himself, and did not alter his behaviour in front of the camera. Anyway, there will undoubtedly be social media issues when Kamal formally declares Azeem the “Bigg Boss 6” title winner on Sunday. Let’s keep an eye out.