The twelfth week of Bigg Boss Telugu Season 6 has ended and the thirteenth week has begun. In three more weeks, the show’s grand finale will air. The competitors are giving it their all to win over the audience and avoid elimination. Viewers of Bigg Boss Telugu 6 are busy picking a winner, runner-up, and the top five contestants who might advance to the finale week. The two strongest competitors so far this season are Revanth and Shrihan. There is a good chance Revanth will win the trophy and Shrihan will come in second. The top five predicted competitors are Adi Reddy, Faima, Shrihan, Inaya, and Revanth. The most recent contestant to be booted off the show was Rajashekar.
The producers of Bigg Boss Telugu season 6 are preparing for a mid-week elimination, according to social media posts. This marks the first mid-week elimination in Bigg Boss Telugu history. Adi Reddy, Faima, Inaya, Keerthi, Revanth, Rohith, Shrihan, and Sri Satya are the contestants competing in the Bigg Boss Telugu 6 grand finale.