Despite fighting from the start of season 6, Bigg Boss Tamil 5 contestants have been accused of playing it safe. According to reports, Dhanalakshmi, one of the Bigg Boss Tami 6’s powerful female competitors, would be eliminated Yesterday.
The public watches Bigg Boss Tamil 6 a lot because of the daily fights that occur. Fans have said that everyone, with the exception of Azeem, Dhanalakshmi, Vikraman, and Shivin, is playing it safe. Given that so many participants have been removed due to receiving little votes thus far, the show is nearing its conclusion..
In this instance, there was some uncertainty on who would go this week, however Dhanalakshmi’s departure was later reported. Vikraman will be the first participant saved in today’s show, and Shivin will be saved second, it has also been noted.