The participants in Bigg Boss Tamil 6’s most recent show successfully finished the tenth week inside the BB house. In the show airing on Sunday, host Kamal Haasan assigned the housemates a BB TRP job. Myna Nandhini received the most “least TRPs” from the other roommates, however Vikraman and Shivin received a lot of support.
Shivin claimed she can determine Azeem’s character through the exercise. Vikraman received the “BB TRP” from Janany. Shivin received a BB TRP from Rachitha, who also decreased Dhanalakshmi’s TRP while admonishing her to restrain her tongue. Vikraman received the BB TRP from ADK, who said him as a “wonderful person” whose talent undoubtedly draws in viewers.
Myna Nandhini decreased Dhanalakshmi’s TRP level and awarded Manikandan the TRP while using the same justification as Rachitha.
Azeem is a brilliant player, but Vikaraman claimed that he lacks self-control and that many of the other participants in the house frequently take offence to his attitude. He then gave Shivin Azeem’s TRP level that had been decreased.
Shivin must manage her wrath even if ADK claimed that Shivin is his friend and that her statements still upset everyone in the house.
Amudhavanan received TRPs from Kathiravan, who then decreased Dhanalakshmi’s TRP level. He claimed that instead of playing the game, Dhanalakshmi had been intentionally upsetting the other candidates and showing no regard for their viewpoints.
Later, host Kamal Haasan questioned Vikraman about how he felt about receiving the most BB TRPs from the housemates and whether he thought he gained notoriety from the viewers.
Vikraman was spared together with Azeem when Kamal praised him for his honourable behaviour in the game.
In contrast, Kamal Haasan challenged the residents to predict which of the three housemates—Janany, ADK, and Manidankan—would be rescued and ousted. Much to the surprise of the other housemates, ADK and Manikandan were saved as Janany was kicked out.