The house was transformed into a “BB high court” in the most recent Bigg Boss Tamil 6 episode, and the contestants were required to report their cases to the Bigg Boss court in accordance with the task. This time, Ram was selected as the judge, and Vikraman and Shivin were selected as the attorneys.
The second case, in which ADK was accused, was taken by Bigg Boss. During the BB kingdom task, Azeem complained to ADK about the way the latter carelessly handcuffed Kathiravan and misplaced the key.
Every contestant was asked by Azeem to take up the dispute between him and ADK, but no one agreed. Later, Azeem asked Shivin to represent him in the case. Do you agree to be Azeem’s attorney, Bigg Boss questioned Shivin when he called him into the confessional. Shivin agreed to take the case.
Later, ADK read the case letter that Shivin had provided and asked Vikraman to take over.
In front of Judge Ram, the Bigg Boss high court heard the second case. Shivin started her debate by criticising ADK.
“My lord, in this case, during the BB Kingdom task, Kathiravan tried to steal jewels from the box in the middle of the night. However, the kingdom’s guardian ADK apprehended him, and Kathiravan was locked by ADK for the night outside the BB house,” Shivin said.
Later, Kathiravan informed ADK that the handcuffs were making his legs hurt and that he needed to use the restroom, but ADK, the protector of the Kingdom, disagreed. Azeem then intervened after they got into a heated argument. However, ADK misplaced the key to the handcuffs and broke the law by throwing his microphone inside the Bigg Boss house.
Vikraman was questioned by Judge Ram, “What is your statement?” Do you wish to question Azeem? Yes, my lord, Vikraman replied. Did you steal the key from ADK and hide it, he questioned Azeem.
Says Azeem: “Yes, but Bigg Boss also gave the secret task of defending the kingdom. The Kingdom guard, ADK, had a duty to be awake.”
Vikraman was asked by Ram to present his evidence, but Vikraman did not present the right evidence. As a result, Ram decided to rule in Azeem’s favour in the case. The task was won by Azeem and Shivin.
On the other hand, Manikandan and Kathiravan were pitted against one another in the luxury budget task that Bigg Boss assigned. The task was won by Kathiravan, who received 400 luxury budget points.
In the meantime, Vikraman mocks Janany’s slang in the upcoming court case she will bring against him during the kingdom captaincy task.