The house was changed into “BB primary school” in the most recent Bigg Boss Tamil 6 episode, and the contestants were gleefully decked out in school attire. Students at the BB school were Myna Nandhini, Shivin, ADK, Manikandan, Dhanlakshmi, Rachitha, and Kathiravan. Azeem taught storytelling, Vikraman taught Tamil, and Amudhavanan taught physical education.
The first step in the BB school assignment is an assembly during which the roommates dress exactly like kindergarteners. The BB school teacher should also be present.
The first period begins following the gathering. Vikraman looks after the pupil and instructs in Tamil “Aathichoodi.”
While Bigg Boss suggested that teachers should choose the class’s top pupil and reward them with sweets.
When ADK in the Tamil class spoke “Aathichoodi” flawlessly, teacher Vikraman gave him the candy.
Azeem took care of the “kids” as the second class got underway while also engaging the students in storytelling. Azeem chose Rachitha as the top student in the storytelling class and offered her a sweet.
Later, the lunch break buzzer rang. The teachers Azeem and Vikraman explained the students how to eat and share the dishes with everyone as the students opened their personal lunch boxes and got to work.
The third class was a PT session. Amudhavan was the task master.
Some tasks were started by Amudhavanan. The inaugural contest was a “jump and run” event. Shivin triumphed in this competition, and ADK triumphed in the second, “Lemon in the Spoon.” Shivin was chosen by Amudhavanan as the top pupil and was given the sweets.
However, Bigg Boss declared that the housemates would choose the participant who performed the best overall in the BB elementary school task. The top teacher and two students were chosen by the participants. Kathiravan and Myna Nandhini were chosen as the top students, and Amudhavanan was named as the finest instructor.